NICA’s Mission

Following the destruction caused by the 1938 hurricane, in 1952 a group of Quonochontaug Pond residents purchased parts of the beach to protect it from future development. Today, NICA is a 501(c)3 non-profit corporation. Our only mission is to preserve QBB as a sustainable ecological environment capable of supporting plant and animal life and encouraging passive enjoyment of the beach by residents and visitors on foot only, subject to the following regulations to protect wildlife and prevent erosion of the beach:

  • Only authorized vehicles may travel along the “sand trail” and no parking by anyone is allowed on the beach face or along the sand trail at any time. (CRMC regulations)
  • Extreme care must be taken not to traverse or walk upon the dunes, except at designated access routes and no trampling of beach grasses or vegetated areas is allowed.
  • Destruction or removal of signs, fencing, vegetation or other dune protection or stabilization systems is prohibited.

From the State of RI:

Vehicles are prohibited on the beach from the first day of May of each year to the Saturday
after Labor Day or during the period when beaches are in operation and protected by
lifeguards. Vehicles are NOT allowed on Quonochontaug Beach at any time. Vehicles are only
allowed on the Quonochontaug Sand Trail between September 15 and June 15. Vehicles may
not leave the sand trail to drive on the beach at any time. Both sides of the sand trail are
private property and parking is prohibited along the sand trail. Sections of the sand trail may
be closed due to Piping Plovers.